On sale
VALLEJO 73801 European Splash Mud (Europ. błoto rozpryskowe) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73802 Splash Mud - Russian 40 ml.
VALLEJO 73802 Splash Mud - Russian
Znajomy odcień znany jako Czarna Ziemia, bardzo żyzna gleba, szczególnie ciemna i gęsta, występująca w Europie Wschodniej, na Ukrainie i w południowej Rosji.
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73803 Industrial Splash Mud 40 ml.
VALLEJO 73803 Industrial Splash Mud 40 ml.
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73804 Light Brown Splash Mud 40 ml.
VALLEJO 73804 Light Brown Splash Mud
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73805 Brown Splash Mud 40 ml.
VALLEJO 73805 Brown Splash Mud
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73806 Black Splash Mud 40 ml.
VALLEJO 73806 Black Splash Mud 40 ml.
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73807 European Mud (Europejskie błoto) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73808 Russian Mud (rosyjskie błoto) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73809 Thick Mud - Industrial Mud
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73811 Thick Mud - Brown MUD 40 ml.
VALLEJO 73811 Thick Mud - Brown MUD 40 ml.
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73812 Black Mud (czarne błoto) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73813 Oil Stains (Plamy z oleju) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73814 Fuel Stains (Plamy z paliwa) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73815 Engine Grime (Brud silnikowy) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73816 Engine Effects - Diesel Stains
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73817 Engine Effects - Petrol Spills
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73818 Brown Engine Soot (Brązowa sadza silnika) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73819 Environment - Rain marks
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73820 Snow (efekt śniegu) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73821 Rust Texture (Tekstura rdzy) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73822 Environment - Slime grime dark
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73823 Environment - Slime grime light
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73824 Environment - Streaking Grime
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73825 Environment - Crushed grass
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73826 Mud and Grass (Błoto i trawa) 40ml
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73827 Environment - Moss & lichen
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours
VALLEJO 73828 Environment - Wet Effect
Availability: product available online and in-store
Dispatched within: 24-48 hours